Romanian PR Award 2024, sub semnul valorilor

Înscrierile la cea de-a 22-a ediție a competiției se vor încheia vineri, 4 octombrie 2024. Ediția de anul acesta aduce în prim plan valorile care animă profesia de relații publice.


Featured Winners

Health of the nation

REGINA MARIA the Private Healthcare Network takes it upon itself to fight a bigger battle and to determine a legislative change in terms of fiscal taxation that would ease the manager’s decision in choosing medical subscriptions.

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Marathon runner’s gene, Oltenia’s Marathon 2018

The story of the Marathon of Oltenia began in 2012, as a social responsibility initiative of CEZ Group in Romania (one of the leading energy companies in the country) focusing on the needs of the local community where the company operates, and as an encouragement to live a healthy lifestyle. Each year, the money collected through registration fees is doubled by CEZ Group in Romania and donated to a social cause in Oltenia.

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Romania has rocker blood

Romania holds the last place in Europe by the number of blood donors: only 1.7% of Romanians donate blood, almost 10 times less than the Danes. The first half of 2019 was marked by an acute lack of blood: in the first quarter of this year, at the Blood Transfusion Center in Bucharest, the largest blood transfusion center in the country, registered 1,100 fewer donors than in the same period of 2018, while the need for current blood remains double. In this context, the morning show of ROCK FM – Morning Glory with Răzvan Exarhu initiated a campaign encouraging people to donate blood, constant and voluntary, in partnership with the blood Transfusion center of Bucharest and Donorium, an application that makes blood donation We started the campaign from the insight that people donate blood when they are triggered by an inner resort. That resort would be, in our case, the music. Music that can change the world, because music can change people, as artist Bono said.

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