Romanian PR Award XXII și-a desemnat câștigătorii
Featured Winners
The Romania-France Season – “Forget about clichés!”
Born from a common political will, the Romania-France Season 2019 overlapped three important milestones for Romania: the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council, Romanian Centenary and 100 years since the end of the First World War. Seasons, or Cultural Years, are cultural diplomacy projects organized by France for more than 30 years, but Romania is the first European country to participate in this kind of bilateral partnership.
Storytelling in Digital – Minio recruitment campaign
Minio Studio started in 2016 as a strategic communication agency, with a keen appetite for digital projects. In less than two years, the agency reached Top Forbes on the 33rd position and almost tripled its team, up to 24 people. Though, the agency still needs to recruit talented people, with a strong digital expertise.
The Sound of Helplessness
Unu si Unu NGO wanted to launch a campaign that would make a wider audience empathize with the situation of families with prematurely born children (known as preemies or premmies) and to announce a new initiative: the creation of the first multidisciplinary center for families with long-term hospitalized children.