Cancel Cancer

Silver Award for Excellence 2018

Corporate Social Responsibility

Avon Romania & Kaufland


Is in Avon DNA to support women, both financially, but especially in terms of a dignified life. That is why, 16 years ago, we launched Campania pentru Sănătatea Sânilor (Breast Cancer Crusade), to provide women’s education programs and early detection of breast cancer. Cancel Cancer project sums up the trials and efforts of the 16 years that we have been trying to provide information and support to women about breast cancer.

The long terms efforts of Avon in the fight against breast cancer seemed to lag behind this harsh reality. We needed a new, braver approach, it was high time the discussion about breast cancer was both friendlier and firmer. Avon had to find the right rhetoric and mechanics that would wash away all possible reasons for not going regularly to a checkup. Cancel Cancer is part of Campania pentru Sănătatea Sânilor, a project created along with Kaufland România and Amazonia Association dedicated to Romanian women, that encourages them to give time for their health.

Our message is that breast control does not last more than 20 minutes, but it often saves lives. Our strategy was to give them the opportunity to cancel all the reasons that prevent them from going to the doctor, but we can also cancel all the reasons and intervene directly for these women. Also, if in 2017 because we were a pilot project we opted for big cities, in 2018 we decided to go to smaller communities that need more medical services.

The project’s mission is to raise the awareness regarding the importance of early detection of breast cancer, to teach them how and when to self-examine, to offer free medical consultations on the spot and to offer them mammography vouchers and support if any particularities are found in this consultation.







Qualitative: The number of women the number of women who have been discovered with particularities and requiring follow-up and women who have already received post-diagnosis support (linking to the only Oncology Patient Navigator in Romania and even free surgeries)

Quantitative: The number of people who have heard about the campaign from Kaufland magazine (over 4.700.000), who came to the Cancel Cancer mobile office and received a consultation and a workshop on how to do their self-examination (1535).

Target group: primary public: women 30+ from 16 cities (Codlea, Câmpina, Sighişoara, Bistriţa, Alexandria, Petroşani, Slatina,Reşiţa, Arad, Lugoj, Satu Mare, Slobozia, Tulcea, Vaslui, Piatra Neamţ ), secondary public: 20-54, national for awareness for the cause, bloggers, celebrieties and other key opinion leaders, the AVON representatives and consumers.

Communicated messages: #Cancel Cancer, #Stopcancerlasan, Campania pentru sănătatea sânilor.

Summary of the project:

  • 16 cities, double vs 2017 (Tulcea, Slobozia, Alexandria, Slatina, Petroşani, Lugoj, Reşiţa, Arad, Satu Mare, Botoşani, Piatra Neamţ, Vaslui, Câmpina, Codlea, Bistriţa, Sighişoara)
  • 2,151 mammary ultrasounds
  • 630 vouchers for mammography, 341 performed / scheduling
  • at least 2 cases discovered on the spot, followed by support further investigations and enrollment on
  • Over 60 Avon volunteers (sales team) involved
  • 700 km in 3 stages
  • Print campaign 14 magazines: reach: 735k women
  • 16 educational materials about self-examination in catalog Kaulfand magazine, the largest circulation in Romania (5M ppl/week).               



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