Storytelling in Digital – Minio recruitment campaign

Silver Award for Excellence 2018

Social Media

Minio Studio


THE CAMPAIGN – Minio Studio started in 2016 as a strategic communication agency, with a keen appetite for digital projects. In less than two years, the agency reached Top Forbes on the 33rd position and almost tripled its team, up to 24 people. Though, the agency still needs to recruit talented people, with a strong digital expertise.

 OBJECTIVES – Recruit two accounts with digital expertise, minimum 3 years expertise & increase agency awareness in the market and highlight our digital expertise.

CORE AUDIENCES – Potential candidates, 23 to 38 years old, already working on digital positions.

THE IDEA  – We created one single video that recreated a well-known local story “Amintiri din Copilărie” (Childhood Memories) in a modern way. The story is part of the Romanian literature heritage, written back in 1888, also part of the school curriculum. It tells the story of a nasty young boy (Nică). We decided to tell this story from 1888, using 2018 tools: digital media. We named it: Digital Storytelling.

CHANNEL MIX & ASSETS – Facebook was our main channel, followed by IQads job posting (also including the video), posts on Instagram, Youtube and Linkedin, direct mailing to 5 influencers, press-release and internal communication.

IMPLEMENTATION – We created an attention-grabbing video and used it in a Facebook Ads campaign, leading to our interesting Careers landing page.

THE VIDEO, creativity and AI – We told the story using Facebook, Instagram, Google, Forsquare, Gmail and even local websites – OLX. The development was done in-house, from concept to execution. The video was further tested with an AI tool, that predicts emotional response, in order to be sure that the clip would be engaging enough for our young audience.


THE CAREER PAGE – We created a career page on our website, showing all members of our team in two situations: their professional self and their personal self. People could candidate without a CV, simple by giving us a link to their social profiles, an approach suitable for millennials and the job itself.

FACEBOOK ADS CAMPAIGN – We spent 700 euros (the total spending of the campaign) on a digital Facebook Ads campaign, while we created all our assets in-house.

TRADITIONAL MEDIA – We sent a press release to industry media, with an unexpected title, in line with the concept: Nică is an influencer for Minio campaign. Five direct mailings were sent to key influencers in the industry, including the video and the actual book we were referencing.


The main objective was reached – The positions were filled in about one month.

The campaign was named “The most creative Recruitment Ad”, by the editor in chief of the most important HR publication in Romania, Cariere Magazine.

Other results:

  • 300 unique views on the landing page and about 250 candidates, 50 times more than we got from the classical approach of job posting.
  • 000 video views.
  • 8 online articles in high profile publications.
  • Total reach: 350.000 views.
  • The campaign was nominated for WEBSTOCK (Digital Festival) for “Best Use of Video”.

Watch the case:




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