OMV Petrom

Since 2015, Vocational Romania became the national platform used by OMV Petrom to advocate for a better vocational education (VET) in Romania. While advocating for change, we came to realize that VET PUPILS, the most significant recipients of the change, are a silent mass of youngsters that is neither consulted nor accounted. Lacking representativity, is hard for pupils to address decision makers and ask them to initiate VET improvement. Vocational Students League was born to act as a representative group for VET pupils, that will produce a systemic and relevant change for vocational education but also improve craftsmen reputation. We choose Buzau, as a pilot county, to test the approach but also to prove #itcanbedone.

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Two years ago, OMV Petrom looked for a solution to address a three-fold issue: on one hand, the company had an ageing workforce, with lack of skilled craftsmen affecting long term performance. On the other hand, with operations in 300+ communities, the company needed to create job alternatives to prevent mono-industrialism.

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Two years ago, OMV Petrom looked for a solution to address a three-fold issue: on one hand, the company had an ageing workforce, with lack of skilled craftsmen affecting long term performance. On the other hand, with operations in 300+ communities, the company needed to create job alternatives to prevent mono-industrialism.

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