Romanian PR Award 2024, sub semnul valorilor

Înscrierile la cea de-a 22-a ediție a competiției se vor încheia vineri, 4 octombrie 2024. Ediția de anul acesta aduce în prim plan valorile care animă profesia de relații publice.


Featured Winners

Internet’s Residency Exam

Self-diagnose often leads to self-medication, perpetuating a self-destructive behavior, so we wanted to educate and encourage a preventive health behavior by launching a challenge, with only one possible answer: a doctor’s education and experience cannot, under no circumstance, be replaced by online search.

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Put Responsibility Into the Light

In 2017, Raiffeisen Bank conducted an „inside out” research process to identify its strengths and weekness’, seeking to uncover existing truths about the bank which could be amplified. Most of the employees and its clients perceived the bank as an organization where `you do things properly`. Following these findings, Raiffeisen Bank decided to shift its brand signature from „We Succeed Together” to „Proper Banking” and to launch a national debate about responsibility: of individuals, of brands and, ultimately, of society as a whole.

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The most extensive financial education program in Romania

In 2016, BCR launched ‘Școala de Bani’ (The School of Money) and from 2018 transformed it into the largest and most consistent financial education program in Romania, through courses for adults and young people in either companies, headquarters or schools, a mobile exhibition of financial education for children and a dedicated digital platform, all involving more than 1.000 financial education teachers, all BCR experts.

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