Romanian PR Award XXII și-a desemnat câștigătorii

GRF+ a fost desemnată „Agenția de PR a Anului” la cea de-a XXII-a ediție a competiției Romanian PR Award, în cadrul unei gale festive desfășurate aseară la JW Marriott. Titlul „PR Professional of the Year” i-a fost acordat Monei Nicolici, un comunicator de cursă lungă care a influențat semnificativ domeniul sustenabilității și comunicării de mediu în România. Juriul l-a desemnat pe Alexandru Stermin drept „Comunicatorul Anului”. Autor, biolog, cadru didactic și explorator, Stermin este activ în popularizarea științei și în conservarea naturii.


Featured Winners

Health of the nation

REGINA MARIA the Private Healthcare Network takes it upon itself to fight a bigger battle and to determine a legislative change in terms of fiscal taxation that would ease the manager’s decision in choosing medical subscriptions.

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Raluca vs Hollywood Multiplex

On a Sunday morning, the Hollywood Multiplex (HM) cinema “woke up” in the midst of a crisis. This occurred because Raluca Zdrobiș, a single mother as well as a blogger, stated that an employee of the cinema refused to sell her the Family package of tickets and called her and her kids “not a real family”. In 24 hours, her article is the most popular in the blogosphere, with an estimated reach of 350,000 persons (including influencers), who blame the brand and demand explanations.

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Vocational Romania

Two years ago, OMV Petrom looked for a solution to address a three-fold issue: on one hand, the company had an ageing workforce, with lack of skilled craftsmen affecting long term performance. On the other hand, with operations in 300+ communities, the company needed to create job alternatives to prevent mono-industrialism.

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