Romanian PR Award XXII și-a desemnat câștigătorii

GRF+ a fost desemnată „Agenția de PR a Anului” la cea de-a XXII-a ediție a competiției Romanian PR Award, în cadrul unei gale festive desfășurate aseară la JW Marriott. Titlul „PR Professional of the Year” i-a fost acordat Monei Nicolici, un comunicator de cursă lungă care a influențat semnificativ domeniul sustenabilității și comunicării de mediu în România. Juriul l-a desemnat pe Alexandru Stermin drept „Comunicatorul Anului”. Autor, biolog, cadru didactic și explorator, Stermin este activ în popularizarea științei și în conservarea naturii.


Featured Winners

Storytelling in Digital – Minio recruitment campaign

Minio Studio started in 2016 as a strategic communication agency, with a keen appetite for digital projects. In less than two years, the agency reached Top Forbes on the 33rd position and almost tripled its team, up to 24 people. Though, the agency still needs to recruit talented people, with a strong digital expertise.

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Protect her wings

On February 2017, MSD Romania, one of the most important pharmaceutical companies in our country and the producer of the anti-HPV vaccine, decided to launch an educational campaign on the topic of cervical cancer and other HPV related diseases. While the need for education on this topic was immediate, the subject was highly sensitive due to the one of the biggest immunization campaign failures in our country which was implemented in 2008 by the Health Ministry.

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Think BIGar

Started in 2015, the After Us platform sits at the heart of Coca-Cola HBC’s corporate responsibility agenda and is the consumer sustainability platform of the company. After Us is the embodiment of everything we hold dear: care for the community, keeping traditions alive and our love for the environment.

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