Romanian PR Award XXII și-a desemnat câștigătorii

GRF+ a fost desemnată „Agenția de PR a Anului” la cea de-a XXII-a ediție a competiției Romanian PR Award, în cadrul unei gale festive desfășurate aseară la JW Marriott. Titlul „PR Professional of the Year” i-a fost acordat Monei Nicolici, un comunicator de cursă lungă care a influențat semnificativ domeniul sustenabilității și comunicării de mediu în România. Juriul l-a desemnat pe Alexandru Stermin drept „Comunicatorul Anului”. Autor, biolog, cadru didactic și explorator, Stermin este activ în popularizarea științei și în conservarea naturii.


Featured Winners

Marathon runner’s gene, Oltenia’s Marathon 2018

The story of the Marathon of Oltenia began in 2012, as a social responsibility initiative of CEZ Group in Romania (one of the leading energy companies in the country) focusing on the needs of the local community where the company operates, and as an encouragement to live a healthy lifestyle. Each year, the money collected through registration fees is doubled by CEZ Group in Romania and donated to a social cause in Oltenia.

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The Crisis of the (Un)Happy Chicken

On March 21st a woman uploaded a picture on Facebook showing a discolored chicken from Agricola after putting it in saline marinade, accusing the brand that it uses artificial colorants to make the chicken look better. The Facebook post had been shared 27,000 times in 12 hours, sparking negative comments as many angry people said we are poisoning them with artificial chemicals. The crisis was over after 48 hours after it began by communicating to our Facebook fan base the official reports from authorities that didn’t find anything wrong with the chicken meat. It was perfectly fine!

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