The first LIVE heart intervention with a hologram from Romania

Silver Award for Excellence 2019

Brand PR – Existing products and services

MedLife & MSL The Practice


How do you transform something you cannot see, hardly understand even by specialists, in a relevant communication topic for your brand? Even more, follow-up on a successful campaign, which clearly showed what technology could do in a surgery room? You go further and experience some more with technology.

More precisely, create the most detailed 3D model of a heart from Romania, then a human size reproduction of a heart intervention by using an advanced automatic virtual environment system, and get the most detailed & fully digital representation of how a heart intervention is actually done. This was the case of the first LIVE heart intervention with a hologram from Romania. An immersive experience for med students, patients, media & all those who were curious to better understand how technology & doctors work, and which helped reduce patients’ pre op anxieties, helped med students to better understand how the intervention is actually done, gathered a +1.5 million reach, generated +340k views and established MedLife as a forward thinking, innovative brand.

Heart interventions are invisible on the outside. They leave almost no mark, happen entirely on the inside of our bodies and are multifaceted. They can hardly be taught in med school and there are just a few surgeons in Romania who know how to perform them. Mainly because it is not something you can SEE & PRACTICE, but rather IMAGINE & HOPE TO PRACTICE.

Opening the doors of the surgery room and showing the emotions of the medical crew while saving/improving lives also opens the hearts (and mind) of people. Beyond opening the doors, this time, we decided to use technology in developing, for the first time, the most immersive experience when it comes to a heart intervention. LIVE. WITH A HOLOGRAM.

We sent prisms to media and influencers, along with the press release announcing the LIVE. The first LIVE heart intervention with a hologram from Romania was broadcasted for 1.52 H. A SM dedicated team was managing real time the community active on the broadcasting channels. A dedicated team comprising of Prof Dr Gabriel Cristian, highly appreciated heart surgeon and Daniel Popica, an experienced journalist, reported the entire intervention and explained every step of the process. At the same time of the LIVE broadcast, media, influencers, med students and MedLife team, were experiencing a one of a kind moment. A human size reproduction of a heart intervention relised by using an advanced automatic virtual environment system. Guests could immerse into the heart and go through the main stages of the broadcasted intervention.

And it didn’t stop here. The clinics all over the country had prisms available at the reception desk, along with a guide of how to use them to experience holograms on the smartphones. Five days later, Dr Florina Pinte took the ICEE FEST stage, one of the largest and the most significant digital and tech festival in CEE and SE Europe region, and had a key note on how the LIVE broadcast. Furthermore, approx. 100 attendees at the key note received prisms and experimented with the hologram.

The campaign was a real success! It offered the most detailed & fully digital representation of how a heart intervention is actually done. Proved once again that MedLife patients are at the core of the medical act and, with the support of technology enables them to be real actors.



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