Health of the nation

Special Prize Winner 2017

Best Use of PR Measurement & Evaluation

Regina Maria Rețeaua Privată de Sănătate & McCann PR


This is the story of our effort to change a law that would definitely change the health of a nation

Jobs come with responsibilities, granted rights and perks. Where does a medical subscription fit? For most employees, it is a perk, one of the most sought after actually, as it comes with a lot of easily accessible services that complement the state medical insurance. However, the financial system is not in favor of employers offering medical subscriptions, as they don’t benefit from the same 400 EUR/person tax deduction, like in the case of standard private medical insurances.

REGINA MARIA the Private Healthcare Network takes it upon itself to fight a bigger battle and to determine a legislative change in terms of fiscal taxation that would ease the manager’s decision in choosing medical subscriptions.

We set out with a grand objective. The way we did it breaks the mold in that it makes use of arguments that no one can dismiss, presented in a simple form that everybody can understand. Step by step, we gathered our allies and got the message to everyone who needed to get it. And last but not least, we put ourselves in the secondary plan, all for the greater good of doing something that will positively impact the state of healthcare in Romania for years to come.

The starting point was Regina Maria’s strong position in the medicine field, which made it the most suitable to start a conversation about Romanians’ health condition, especially since authorities lack this kind of specific analysis. This is how the “Health of the Nation” report was born.

But the authorities needed to see more convincing numbers – so we gave them numbers, in the form of the “Money circuit”, an initiative that proved how each LEU invested in medical subscriptions returns into the wellbeing of the patients.

The biggest win is by far the fact that the authorities approved full deductibility for medical subscriptions (in August 2017), as a result of our initiative. But it didn’t happen all of a sudden, we built brick by brick to achieve our objective. Moreover, for Regina Maria the Private Healthcare Network this result meant the beginning of a pioneering era and the entire industry grow



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