The future jobs were not invented yet
Silver Award for Excellence 2019
Budget -, Creativity +
Avenor College & Rogalski Damaschin PR

Avenor College is one the few top schools in Romania that have an international recognition, British Schools Overseas. In the first half or 2019, Avenor looked for a way to increase awareness, upon the fact that it is the school that aims to educate future leaders; therefore, it looks forward to finding smart and enthusiastic kids. In this context, our challenge was to creatively introduce parents (aged 30-40) to the teaching alternative Avenor College offers its students, one that focuses on the child`s emotional and psychological development, enhancing his passions.
First, we figured that the campaign had to comprize of a series of tactics that showcased the brand`s expertise, focusing on the bright side of the story. We knew that the campaign had to be supported by official data in order to be credible, therefore we started building the creative concept from two studies: one made by the World Economic Forum, which stated that in the next couple of years 1.7 milion new jobs will be created, and one made by us, that helped us understand the perception of Romanian parents regarding the current public education system.
With this information in mind, we built a creative communication campaign based on generating video content that highlights our findings and connects the educational needs of the future jobs with what Avenor College already offers to its students every day, in class. Therefore we decided to make a series of experiments to which, parents, key opinion leaders and children within the Avenor College`s community took part, voluntarily. In the main video, meant to highlight that we know less about the future jobs than we might think, we asked parents to explain what some of the already existing modern jobs mean, only by offering them the names of job titles, such as UX Designer, Elderologist, Bug Hunter or Digital Athlete. The hilarious responds of the parents gave the video a special flair, but they did not diminish the revealing character of the material. The following videos, featuring KOLs and Avenor students, aimed to prove that children at Avenor are more aware than us, grownups, that the needs of future jobs are different from the ones we grew up with.
“The future jobs have not been invented yet” became viral due to the way the campaign approached a subject that was of national interest. We put people that are representative for the core target in a position of vulnerability and showed that being open minded and informed is not enough for them to figure out what future will bring for their children. The campaign had a media coverage with over 11,7 million OTS in online and 6 dedicated materials made by relevant TV stations that included the story in their newscasts (earned media). In social media, the main video had an organic reach three times bigger than the total number of the page`s fans, in the first 24h and was shared 580 times. Nevertheless, the content generated with and by the KOLs, who also wrote dedicated blog posts about our campaign, reached 277,6k people. But most importantly, during the registrations for the following school year, Avenor College received applications from students that shared their vision, thus being able to fully complete their number of available student spots.