You are not obliged to. But it would be good if you did it
Golden Award for Excellence 2019
Budget -, Creativity +
Asociația Fapte & PREA PR Points

The Jazz in the Park Fund is a project that works through and in the support of the local community. Through the “Nu ești obligat. Dar e bine să o faci. / You are not obliged to. But it would be good if you did it.” campaign, Fapte Association wanted to focus on the idea that, in order to make a change in the world, people need to start thinking in small circles: oneself, families and groups of friends, local communities and so on.
Therefore, the messages launched through this campaign were an invitation to look at the world around with more empathy and to start taking initiative on those things that could actually have an impact on our society.
Three of the messages were therefore related to our attitude towards friends and family (such as: Nu ești obligat să îți ajuți prietenii. Dar e frumos să o faci. / You are not obliged to help your friends. But it would be nice to do it.) and the other three were addressing matters of social involvement (such as: Nu ești obligat să votezi. Dar e bine să o faci. / You are not obliged to vote. But it would be good to do it).
The messages were spread both online, via social media, and offline. And the response was immediate.
The campaign reached more than 480.000 people on social media, having more than 30.000 engagements on Facebook and Instagram, more than 10.700 reactions and more than 1.100 shares as well. Added to this, the OOH materials were placed strategically across the city of Cluj-Napoca, reaching an estimate number of more than 120.000 passersby each day. Also, the messages were taken over by the local community and adapted in a natural, humorous way.
The teasing campaign of the Jazz in the Park Fund was meant to raise awareness on the projects supported by the Fund in 2019, as well: The cultural voucher (Cluj Cultural Center), Art Therapy (Create.Act.Enjoy) and Drama 5 (Reactor de creație și experiment). The principle was actually very simple and it worked for five years in a row: people bought a symbolic “non-mandatory” ticket at a price of 20 lei, and their donation went into financing the aforementioned projects.
This year, the Fund raised 18.500 Euros with the help of more than 4.000 supporters.