Get your YOU on!

Silver Award for Excellence 2019

Fashion & Lifestyle

Spectrum Brands Romania, Remington & MSL The Practice


Romania is a patriarchal country where men are anything but encouraged to be themselves. “You’re the tough sex, don’t cry, don’t share your feelings, get a “man” job, be tough, suck it up!” is a conversation in almost every family. The campaign idea: challenge these stereotypes and inspire Romanian men to be themselves through relatable stories.


A global rebranding turned to out be the perfect opportunity for Remington to have its own voice in Romania. It was Remington’s first communication campaign in Romania, after many years of silence. Needless to say, the task came with numerous ambitions: to refresh Remington’s image in Romania, to sparkle conversation around the brand and to boost sales for its hero product lines.


Remington’s target is a broad audience of men and women, 18 to 45 years old. However, research proved that male consumers perceived the brand as a brand for women. With such an interesting potential ahead, we decided to put men first in this campaign and mainly address them. All of this, having in mind the main objectives: communicate the message of rebranding, adapt it locally, without neglecting the products that were in focus through our tactics aimed at both women and men.

PLANNING – Insights, strategy and creative concept

Remington campaign spoke about vulnerability and self-acceptance in Romania, a patriarchal country where men are seen as the tough sex and women as the weaker sex. Our campaign challenged this perception and stereotypes while boosting sales for Remington. We wanted to build on one’s inner self doubts and help people, especially men, have the courage to challenge social stereotypes and build a life of their own “Indrazneste sa fii TU!” – campaign’s tagline inspired by the global positioning was literally saying “dare to be yourself”.


The campaign (October 2018 – March 2019) involved several tactics, some of them approaching women, others targeting men and some other targeting both categories. The Confident Series. The photo and editorial project we started with Andreea Retinschi and Andreea Verde gathered stories about self-love and self-acceptance. Self-love takes over. We collaborated with one of the biggest online magazines in Romania and – for one episode – we turned their love and sex show into a self-love show. Women say… In this editorial project involving Simona Tache we interviewed tens of different women on hot topics such as age, motherhood and social pressures that affect women in Romania. Real men/women, real trials. Influencers tested the products while answering questions from their followers starting a much-needed conversation about vulnerability and self-acceptance.The next phase targeted men only. We started a conversation about men stereotypes in Romania and the unrealistic expectations society has from them, in a video series where different men tried to dismantle some of the most well-known stereotypes (“Men have dirty jobs”;“Men who show their feelings are weak”; “Men shouldn’t spend time in the kitchen”; “Men don’t need compliments“). The episodes can be watched on YouTube or on Remington Romania’s Facebook page.


The brand gained both respect and spectacular business impact. Campaign results: 5 million people reached. 700,000 views. 73,000 social interactions. 1,600 organic growth on Remington’s Instagram account. Male products sales grew by 24% and women products sales grew by 7%. “I’m absolutely in love with this campaign”. “Remington did this cool thing. We want more!”. “One of the most authentic campaigns in Romania lately”.


We asked ourselves what it means to be your true self. Is it when you are vulnerable or when you are strong? Confident or doubtful? The answer we found was that being your true self involves reaching your full potential while letting go all the masks. Why? Because no one can be a better YOU than you can.

While some brands speak about change or simplicity, Remington encourages its consumers to show their true and real selves, no matter the implications. This is how real boldness looks.



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